Millions of manuscripts are written, and cited in the literature

Today's journalism evolution the major push to put information out on a global scale platform. The ultimate goal of journalism being able to serve people around the world with information that can be beneficial to consumers. No matter if you know who the information is being read by or not there is that responsibility.
There will be plenty of people around the world who may like the content as well as those whom do not. Every country presents its own unique aspects and sometimes challenges as far the codes correlated with Journalism codes today. "Truth", "accuracy", and "objectivity" are cornerstones of journalism ethics. Journalists should strive to detach themselves from regions, groups and even countries they reside from or in to an extent. Allowing for that separation to prevent influenced bias play a part in their journalistic writing. So many journalists today fall victim to this trap hole and become stuck where they are once they have fallen in. Certain countries prefer to only have certain information put out and in certain contexts.


There are around 400 codes covering journalistic work around the world. While various codes may differ in the detail of their content and come from different cultural traditions, most share common elements including the principles of truthfulness, accuracy and fact-based communications, independence, objectivity, impartiality, fairness, respect for others and public accountability, as these apply to the gathering, editing and dissemination of newsworthy information to the public.

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