October 18, 2023

How AI and machine learning are employed by lenders to enhance financial inclusivity.

In the contemporary era, individuals are deeply immersed in captivating activities facilitated by the marvels of mobile and laptop screens. According to a 2020 study conducted by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, young adults dedicate an average of 8.8 hours each day to their smartphones, demonstrating a significant engagement with digital devices. Simultaneously, the elderly population, aged 65 and above, also partakes in this digital immersion, spending an average of 5.2 hours daily on their devices.

This pervasive reliance on mobile and laptop screens underscores the integral role that digital technology plays in the daily lives of people across generations. The study's findings illuminate a trend wherein individuals, irrespective of age, are actively integrating these technologies into their routines, relying on them for various activities and forms of entertainment.

The data highlights a shift in how people connect, consume information, and engage with the world around them. As screens become central to communication, information dissemination, and leisure, it raises questions about the evolving nature of human interaction and the societal impact of prolonged screen time. Understanding these trends is crucial for policymakers, educators, and technologists as they navigate the implications of a digitally immersive society.

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